“The breathing principles of Oxygen Advantage® are in line with those of the yoga tradition. In his book, Light on Pranayama, B.K.S. Iyengar refers to Pranayama as the “respiratory art that consists of long, sustained and subtle (breathing).”

The breath should be:

1. Silent

2. Soft

3. Nasal

4. Regular

5. Diaphragmatic

— Oxygen Advantage®

A few years ago, I personally experienced challenges with dysfunctional breathing, from injury and life stressors. I sought guidance from a breathwork coach who helped me improve my breathing. I then delved into studying and mentoring with the Oxygen Advantage method. This transformative journey has revolutionized the way I teach pranayama in my classes, instilling me with confidence and prompting many students to approach me with individual concerns and inquiries.

Benefits of integrating Oxygen Advantage into Yoga:

  1. Improved Respiratory Efficiency: Oxygen Advantage techniques focus on optimizing breathing patterns to enhance oxygen uptake and delivery to cells. This can lead to improved respiratory efficiency, allowing practitioners to perform yoga poses with greater ease and endurance.

  1. Enhanced Athletic Performance: By training the body to breathe more efficiently, Oxygen Advantage breathwork can improve athletic performance, including endurance, strength, and recovery. This can be particularly beneficial for athletes who incorporate yoga into their training regimen.

  2. Stress Reduction: Oxygen Advantage techniques often emphasize nasal breathing, which has been shown to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and promote relaxation. By reducing stress levels, practitioners may experience greater calmness and mental clarity during yoga practice.

  3. Increased Lung Capacity: Regular practice of Oxygen Advantage breathwork can help increase lung capacity and strengthen respiratory muscles. This can lead to improved overall lung function and better oxygenation of the body, supporting overall health and well-being.

  4. Enhanced Mind-Body Connection: Deepening the breath and focusing on breath awareness can help cultivate a deeper mind-body connection during yoga practice. This heightened awareness can enhance mindfulness, concentration, and the ability to move with intention and alignment.

  5. Improved Energy Levels: Oxygen Advantage breathwork techniques aim to optimize energy production within the body by enhancing oxygen utilization. Practitioners may experience increased energy levels, vitality, and overall feelings of well-being, both during and after yoga practice.

Overall, integrating Oxygen Advantage breathwork into yoga practice can complement traditional yoga techniques, offering practitioners a holistic approach to breath awareness, respiratory health, and overall mind-body wellness.

Application of breath-work for daily life:

Chronically over-breathing can serve as a gateway to chronic stress, with recent studies highlighting its impact on various aspects of our health. Chronic dysfunctional breathing patterns can lead to a wide range of health conditions, affecting us on multiple levels.

Contrary to common belief, carbon dioxide (CO2) is not a waste gas but rather a vital trigger for our breathing reflex. Building our "carbon dioxide tolerance" can help us regulate our body's response to stress, reducing anxiety, stress, and even physical and emotional discomfort. By mastering the capabilities of our respiratory systems, we can take proactive steps towards reclaiming our health for the long term.

Exercising and strengthening our functional breathing muscles and respiratory systems can be instrumental in managing pain and discomfort, whether during sports activities or in our daily lives. By improving our breathing mechanics, we can enhance our overall well-being and resilience, enabling us to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and vitality.

Applying this breathing technique can:

  • Increase oxygen delivery to every cell in your body

  • Revolutionize the way you sleep

  • Calm and focus your mind repair stress and build resilience

  • Boost circulation and clear your blocked nose

  • Help you achieve your personal, health and sporting goals

Yoga Instructors

In many yoga classes, there's often an emphasis on taking full, deep breaths, which may prioritize biomechanics of breathing but overlooks the importance of biochemistry.

Ideally, our breathing should be light and done in a gentle manner, with inhalation and exhalation occurring through the nose. How we breathe during sleep influences our breathing patterns at rest, which ultimately impacts our breath and potential during physical exercise, such as asana practice.

  • Are you a teacher well-versed in various dimensions of breathing, beyond just biomechanics?

  • Are you an instructor who understands the importance of good breathing habits outside of the yoga studio?

  • Can you assist students who have asthma,  panic disorders, sleep disorders, insomnia, breathless during physical exercise?

Acquire comprehensive knowledge and understanding of breathwork to effectively support your students and empower yourself as an educator.

Work with me

*Karolina is a certified breath work coach through the Oxygen Advantage®

Breathing for Yoga

* Tailored to students or teachers. Sessions can include:

  • Personalized exercises to help you understand the importance of good daily breathing habits

  • Acquire comprehensive knowledge and understanding of breath-work to effectively support your students and empower yourself as an educator.

  • Learn Oxygen Advantage® exercises to tailor assist students who have asthma,  panic disorders, sleep disorders, insomnia, or breathlessness during physical exercise

  • Understand why/ when to teach certain pranayama exercises during your classes

Supporting educational materials will be provided

3x 1hr session package- $200 cdn

*for alternative packages or ways of working together please inquire below

Functional breath-work for all

I specialize in working with clients who experience conditions such as asthma, panic disorders, sleep disorders, insomnia, and breathlessness during physical exercise. Additionally, I support individuals seeking to cultivate better breathing habits to enhance their sleep quality, focus, concentration, and overall health.

Through my sessions, I offer Oxygen Advantage® exercises that provide a comprehensive approach to functional breathing. These exercises encompass a multidimensional perspective and include controlled and safe stressor exercises designed to promote bodily adaptations for improved health, as well as mental and physical performance.

3x 1hr session package- $200 cdn

*for alternative packages or ways of working together please inquire below